Boost your SEO with an SSL Certificate

NWH SSLGoogle has recently announced that they are giving an SEO boost to sites that are properly using HTTPS with their websites!

In the official Google Webmaster Blog announcement made on Wednesday, they noted that the effect would be a small one initially, in order to give time to webmasters to update their sites.  Over time, they intend it to have a bigger impact on your sites ranking.

Quite some time ago, there was concern over SSL/TLS affecting the performance of your website; but this day and age, with modern computer systems, it is far from being an issue.  Check out for some facts your should consider.

Cost is also not a big issue, as certificates start as low as $25 a year.

There is also the benefit of increasing your websites security, and along with that, your customers perception of your service.

Boost your sites SEO, security, and brand trust today by getting an SSL Certificate for your website!

Until the end of September, use the promotion code GGSSL for 10% of all certificate orders at NoWhere Hosting!

[call_for_action heading=”Order a Rapid SSL Certificate now!” background_color=”#ffffff” text_color=”#333333″ button_text=”Order Now” button_style=”btn-default” button_link=”/support/cart.php?a=add&pid=7″ new_window=”no”]Boost your SEO with an afforable certificate at $25 a year![/call_for_action]