WordPress Conversion Service

We can take your existing website in a new direction, by converting your design into a WordPress compatible theme. Depending on the complexity of your website, we can even do this in a single day!

WordPress had started out as a simple blogging platform, but thanks to an incredibly active community, it has turned into a great Content Management System (CMS) for all types of websites.

If you just have a static HTML website, you are usually going to need to spend a great deal of money and time updating and adding to your site, or paying someone else to do it. With a good CMS like WordPress, you can cut down on the time you spend on keeping your content up to date and relevant to your clientele.

How do we do it?

Converting your website to WordPress is a pretty simple process

First we take a look at your existing websites structure; we may request your source code, or access to your current webhost to do this.  Usually there is a common ‘theme’ throughout all your pages on your website, with perhaps only a few variations in their layout.

From there, we can provide you an estimate of the amount of effort it will take to create a unique WordPress Theme that will continue on your existing brand as close to your original website as possible, while making it infinitely more dynamic.

At this point, we may suggest improvements, like converting your site to use new technologies, optimizations to improve your site load times, SEO improvements, or making it mobile ready with a responsive design.

After we have created the WordPress Theme, we will implement your site structure, and existing content.

From there, we can assist you with training sessions on how to add pages, create posts, or manage your site content in general.

Once the WordPress Conversion is complete, we can put your site online; either with your existing host if it is capable of it, or with our affordable service!

Why WordPress?

  • WordPress Conversions can be done in a very short time period for the majority of websites.
  • WordPress is easy to pick up. The learning curve is smaller than you would think. At the same time, there is quite a bit of functionality that you can implement and learn over time to turn your website into a powerhouse of dynamic content.
  • WordPress, out of the box, is full of standard features that make managing your website easy.
  • Multimedia support is built in. You can leverage audio and video functionality to bolster your content offering.
  • SEO readiness is already built in to WordPress, but plugins can make it even better.
  • Your overall site design is easy to change, thanks to WordPress themes. Don’t like your current layout? Pick from thousands of free and premium themes, or have a new one designed.
  • WordPress can support many different types of web properties. Have an e-commerce site? No problem. Need to run an ad network? WordPress has plugins for that.
  • You can easily tie your WordPress configuration into social networking platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
  • With RSS and other content features built in, your content has an even broader reach.
  • WordPress has a mobile ready management interface. You can monitor and manage your website completely from your mobile device!
  • The WordPress community is huge, and it is extremely active. The updates to the functionality just keep rolling in.
  • WordPress is inexpensive. The core platform is open source and free. Your only costs are in managing and maintaining it; which can be largely automated.
  • A full list of WordPress native features: WordPress Features